Recommended Reading: Agile is Dead

Published: 28 April 2016


Matthew Kern wrote an article on LinkedIn titled "Agile is Dead" that seems to be going somewhat viral among the project and development communities.  As of the time I am posting this it has almost 150,000 views and is up over 20,000 views just since this morning.

In it he says (among other things):

All these hyped trends have a lifespan.  Management fads especially have a lifespan.  In the modern environment these waves are closer together, and closer, and closer.  The end of the curve can mean unpopularity, few sales, reduced margins i.e death.

Who said Agile is dead?  The founders of Agile and its practitioners said it, not me.  Don't go thinking I made this up.  (I claim nothing myself regarding its current death, I just report the claims of many developers.  It's dead with or without me or my post.

The article is full of links to supporting content and it's definitely worth a read in my opinion.  You may not agree with him, but the article and its many links may change your views a bit.  Or not. 

© 2016 by David Olson